
Industrial workbench: how to choose the right one

Industrial workbench: how to choose the right one

Nowadays, there are numerous cheap and low-cost industrial workbenches available on the market, but low-cost often corresponds to extremely low quality, which undermines the investment and requires a new workbench to be purchased after a short period of time. Therefore, here's what needs to be evaluated in order to be sure you're making the right choice when purchasing an industrial workbench.


The first thing to evaluate when choosing an industrial workbench is its durability. If you work with acids and corrosive materials, in fact, the surface of the workbench must be made from a durable material that will last over time and will not be ruined after just a few uses. Furthermore, the surface of the workbench must be scratch-resistant so that falling workpieces and tools will not ruin its surface by creating grooves and holes, where dirt can become trapped over time.

Ecological containers

Another aspect that should not be underestimated when choosing an industrial workbench is the presence of ecological containers for collecting waste. During the course of daily work activities, in fact, waste materials are produced that can be more or less harmful to the environment, and the presence of an adequate collection bin integrated within the industrial workbench facilitates the disposal of these waste materials, thus safeguarding the environment and the health of the population.

Workpiece support trolley

Every self-respecting industrial workbench must be equipped with a workpiece support trolley. In fact, this detail allows the individual workpieces to be processed and properly stored on the trolley, with no need to waste time looking for makeshift spots to place the individual items and boxes. Having a workpiece support trolley integrated within the industrial workbench thus optimizes the processing times, and guarantees precision and tidiness throughout every work phase.

Fluid collection

In addition to the ecological containers for waste collection, an industrial workbench should also be equipped with an integrated system for fluid collection. During the course of the daily workshop activities, in fact, liquid waste materials (like process water or oils) are also produced, which are present on the individual workpieces and can make the surface of the workbench, as well as the surrounding floor, slippery and wet.

If the industrial workbench being utilized is equipped with an adequate fluid collection system, however, its surface will always be dry. Furthermore, in the case of solid waste materials like dust or wood chips, the workbench can even be washed with water, and the dirt can be collected inside the liquid collection system without the risk of wetting the floor below, as this could undermine the safety of the entire workshop.

Looking for a durable and well-equipped industrial workbench?
Contact us and discover for yourself our compositions designed specifically for industrial use.

Lino Di Betta
AuthorLino Di Betta

Ispiratore DEA Italian Worklab

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DEA italian worklab
Carlo wrote on

Fantastico. Complimenti per l'estrema finitura. Potreste mandarmi un catalogo riguardo i vostri prodotti? Grazie

DEA italian worklab
Officina Meccanica Marcoccia wrote on

Salve, vorrei avere un preventivo e le misure del banco da lavoro industriale, grazie.

DEA italian worklab
A.T moto wrote on

Salve vorrei un preventivo sul banco da lavoro

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